June 11, 2004

Rant Writing 101

Wow... Here’s a rant – a very good, level-headed, and powerful rant.

Why do you cheer for monsters? What are you, sick? You think this is fun? You think I'm happy that this country is at war? You think that Bush made all of this up by himself and that Presidents Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton has nothing to do with it? You think this is all because of that Jooooo Wolfowitz? What, Dulles and Kissinger and Albright et.al. aren't culpable as well that we got to a point where war was the only option and a culture that respects strength thought our country hollow and weak? Are you that screamingly ignorant? Are you that disgustingly lazy that you won't pick up some books and read some history? You think I will be convinced just because you foam at the mouth about how eeevil Bush is and do nothing - absolutely, insultingly nothing - to compose a rational argument as to why I should vote one way or the other?

This rant pretty much lays the smackdown on the moonbats who think we live under a tyranny (and other dumb-ass claims). It’s worth reading all of it – trust me… Now, Go read!

Posted by Clancy at June 11, 2004 8:49 AM
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Yeah, that is a great one.

Posted by: Jim at June 11, 2004 9:37 AM