December 4, 2007

More on the NIE Nonsense…

Let’s suppose for a moment that everything we’ve read about the NIE report is true and Iran did halt their nuclear weapons program in 2003 and the program is still in a halted state.

If this is in fact what happened, then it means that the Administrations foreign policy and diplomatic efforts with Iran worked. In other words, Bush & Co. somehow managed temporarily secure the Sword of Damocles. And after somehow securing the sword, they then continued to publicly pursue efforts to disarm Iran’s nuclear potential. And for this they are being blasted by the mainstream media… Am I missing anything?

Let’s suppose the administration had made their success public. Would this have been heralded by the msm as another ‘Mission Accomplished’ when this very report claims that they can still have nuclear weapon capabilities "sometime during the 2010-2015 time-frame."

Again, I ask you – why do you think Iran halted their nuclear program in 2003?

Posted by Clancy at December 4, 2007 11:56 AM