February 28, 2007

The Ipod Quandary

When it’s possible, I enjoy listening to my ipod at work, usually on shuffle simply because I enjoy the variety. It’s amazing sometimes how shuffle has the ability to find, and repeat, some of the most forgettable songs in your collection. But every occasionally, the goddess of shuffle will serve up a tune really appeals to you at that moment and it makes you stop working long enough to enjoy the song for a minute or two.

And it is at precisely those moments that the crisis de jour will arise and force you to remove the headphones. Said crisis will continue to occupy the rest of the work day and never again allow you to return to the solace of the ipod.

So while I enjoy the ipod at work, I am forced to pray for crap in the playlist.

Posted by Clancy at February 28, 2007 4:46 PM | TrackBack