November 3, 2004


I was awakened this morning by a nightmare. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t – I had to go downstairs and turn on the TV to see if my nightmare had become a reality. Fortunately, it hadn’t and although it was still too early to know for sure, I was more confident than I had been in days that we might actually have 4 more years with a Real President – not some wishy-washy, pacifist throwback with not a single ounce of backbone to his credit.

There are a great many things I don’t like about Bush, and I am actually scared by the number of states that passed anti-gay marriage legislation. (Exactly why is this so important to so many straight people – WTF are we worried about??)

My one and only issue in this campaign was Iraq and the War on Terror. A bunch of whiney liberals just had an aneurysm reading that last line because they think that Iraq and the War on terror don’t belong in the same sentence. (They’re wrong – even their irrelevant leader said so.)

I am relieved that the Iraqi and Afghani people will continue to have support from our President, and with that support they may eventually taste real freedom and democracy. I don’t agree with all of our President’s beliefs and convictions, but I am very thankful that he has them.

I might also add that I am thankful that all the political advertising is over and we won’t have to worry about it for another 3 and a half years – when we’ll see Hillary and Giuliani going toe-to-toe.

Posted by Clancy at November 3, 2004 6:17 PM