September 9, 2004

Tactical Victory?

Kevin at Wizbang links to a story from the Tallahassee Democrat that proclaims that knocking Nader off the Ballot in Florida is “a tactical victory for John Kerry.”

Unfortunately, this proclamation assumes that the standard Nader voter is just a dumb rube and eliminating Nader will force them to vote for Kerry. But I disagree…

People who may have been planning to vote for Nader will have 4 choices.

They vote for Kerry.
They vote for Bush.
They vote for someone else.
Or, they just don’t vote.

Suppose for a minute you were a Nader supporter – would you vote for Kerry knowing that his minions were responsible for your man losing his place on the ballot? Or would you hold your nose and vote for Bush as a big f-u to the Kerry a-holes?

Posted by Clancy at September 9, 2004 3:35 PM