July 29, 2004

Nuanced Leadership

So this is what it means to be "nuanced"…

Romney looks like conventional hero

At the end of June, Kerry cut a deal with the police union, refusing to cross its picket line and thereby missing a planned speech before the U.S. Conference of Mayors. In exchange, he thought, he bought some peace at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

It turned out Kerry was played for a fool. The union's deal was that it wouldn't picket Kerry personally, but it still would picket and shut down anything else it wanted. Even as this became clear, Kerry could do nothing. Back channel pleas and phone calls from party elders were of little help.

Then Romney stepped in. And by doing so, he provided a clear and concrete contrast to Kerry, an object lesson to the nation: This is how Republicans solve a problem. Here's how the GOP might frame it: Romney directly addressed a crisis; Kerry let it fester and grow. Romney defended the mayor; Kerry abandoned him. Romney stuck up for the residents of a city; Kerry sold them out in exchange for his self interest. Romney refused to toady to the tactics of a bully; Kerry let himself be pushed around.

(via The Common Sense Chronicles)

Posted by Clancy at July 29, 2004 4:46 PM