April 20, 2004


For some, today’s date is representative of a time to “smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.” Before that dumb bit of subculture trivia, it was simply remembered as Hitler’s Birthday. But five years ago, two very misguided kids commemorated one of the world’s most deranged monsters by becoming monsters themselves. There are those who believe this tragedy can be attributed to American’s easy access to guns and our supposed and collective fear of black people. Yeah. Sure.

The real reasons have been explored and are explained here. The simple conclusion is that Dylan Klebold was a hothead who was depressed and suicidal. And Eric Harris was a psychopath (in the grand sense).

Harris and Klebold would have been dismayed that Columbine was dubbed the "worst school shooting in American history." They set their sights on eclipsing the world's greatest mass murderers, but the media never saw past the choice of venue. The school setting drove analysis in precisely the wrong direction.

Read it all. I’m sure the major media markets will never discuss the real reasons. They prefer the misguided opinions of assholes.

Posted by Clancy at April 20, 2004 10:11 PM
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Hmm...Mr. Y, Hitler's birthday, and Columbine all on one day.

Columbine was the single event that convinced me that gun-control was necessary. Before that, actually, I was a card-carrying NRA member. Now I am a vegetarian liberal.

Just goes to show that we can all change. Some of us, hopefully, sooner than others.

Posted by: Helen at April 22, 2004 9:47 AM